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JAVA programavimo kursai

Java programavimo kursai


· Introduction: Lector, What we will learn, What expect after course
· IDE’s overview: Present existing and populars, Java programing, Integrated Development Environment, Prepare Eclipse IDE, Best practices using Eclipse, First Java App
· Some of the important Java 8 features: forEach() method in Iterable interface, defaul and static methods in Interfaces, Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions, Java Stream API for Bulk Data Operations on Collections, Java Time API, Collection API improvements, Concurrency API improvements
· Java 9: Private Interface (Default) Methods, Try-With-Resources on Effectively Final Variables, Diamond Operator for Anonymous Classes, SaveVarargs on Private Methods, No More Deprecation Warnings for Imports
· Basics of a Web app: What is a web application? What is a web client and web server? How do client and server communicate? HTTP protocol basics; What is a TCP/IP port, URL? Web Application Project Setup
· HTML: HTML language basics/intro, Form Methods, CSS intro
· Web Containers: Set up Tomcat Container on a machine, Set up a Servlets JSP project in Eclipse, Configure dependency of Servlet JSP APIs, Web application project structure
· Servlets: What are Servlets? What can they do? Why are they needed? How do Servlets look in code? GET/POST request; differences between the two; Servlet Lifecycle; Servlet Context and Servlet Config; Forwarding and Redirection of requests
· Session Management: What is a session? Why is it required? How to get a session?Session information passing between client and server; Session information passing mechanisms – Cookies; Rewriting; How to destroy a session
· JSPs (quick overview): Introduction to JSP; Basic HTML tags, JSP Lifecycle, JSP Elements, JSP Tag library, Simple test app
· Version Control Systems: What it is? Why? Compare them? GIT: pull, push commit, checkout…
· Command line: Linux shell Overview, Popular Commands, Git batch
· Task Management: Introduction, JIRA, Redmine, Confluence
· Requirements Engineering: Software Requirements, Requirements Gathering, Requirements Analysis, Formal development Process, Requirements Flow, Business Need
· CI: Build management tools, Bamboo, Jenkins

Objektinis programavimas su JAVA

· Core: Data types and Operators, Control Flow statements, OOP in Java, Packages, Folders and naming conventions, Collection Framework in Java, Java Scanner
· Reflection: Extensibility Features, Class Browsers, Exposure of Internals.
· Generics: Generics vs method overloading, Generics + reflection, Generics for Collections, Generics for class, Generics for methods.
· Input-Output in Java: What is a stream? Overview of Streams, Bytes vs. Characters, Overview of the entire Java IO API
· Threads in Java: Non-Threaded Applications vs. Threaded Applications; Process-based multitasking vs. Thread-based multitasking; Thread API in Java; Creating Threads, States of a Thread; Synchronization for threads; static and non-static synchronized methods; blocks; the concept of object and class locks; Coordination between threads – wait, notify and notify; All methods for inter-thread communication; Semaphores, Mutex .
· Serialization: Object Serialization, Serializable Interface, Serialization API, ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutput, Transient Fields, Objects Mapping (using automapper)
· JSON JSON (serialize Object to JSON): JSON Syntax, JSON in Java, tools, libraries. JSON serializer (bson) example, Some of the important Java 8 features, forEach() method in Iterable interface; default and static methods in Interfaces; Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions; Java Stream API for Bulk Data Operations on Collections.
· OOP: spock framework

Duomenų bazės ir jų administravimas su JAVA programavimo kalba

· Database development: Intro and Overview, Popular RBDS, MySQL preparation: creating DB, basic SQL queries, creating and managing data➢SQL alternatives; OBD MongoDB intro
· JDBC: JDBC Drivers, Features, Writing JDBC code to connect to DB, CRUD Operations with JDBC, Statement types in JDBC; Types of Rowset, ResultSet in JDBC
· ORM: What is ORM, Popular ORMs JPA implementations, Compare few of them, CRUD Operations with MyBatis/EclipseLink
· Hibernate: Hibernate Introduction, Mapping And Configuration Files In Hibernate, Main Advantage And Disadvantages Of Hibernates, Simple Hibernate Application

Front-end studijos. Html/ CSS/ JavaScript

· HTML: Overview; Tags, attributes; Main tags: Headings, Paragraphs, Links, Images,..; Tables
· HTML page structure: Header, Footer, Div; Form and form elements
· CSS: Applying CSS; Selectors, Properties, and Values; Colors; How to manipulate the size and shape of text; How to space things out; Erm. Borders. Things that go around things; Putting It All Together
· Responsive design: Why? What it is? Ways to achieve it.
· Bootstrap basics: HTML- and CSS-based design templates Introduction; When to use? Bootstrap classes and elements basics
· JavaScript basics: Introduction, ways to use it; Examples of usage; Events; JQuery basics; AngularJS basics

Spring MVC karkasas

· What is Spring: Spring Context: For Dependency Injection (DI); Spring DAO: For database operation using DAO pattern.; Spring JDBC: For JDBC and Datasource support; Spring ORM: For ORM tool support such as Hibernate. Spring AOP: For Aspect Oriented Programming. Spring Web module: For creating a web application. Spring MVC in Eclipse
· DI, IoC: Bean meaning; Bean’s lifecycle; What is Dependency Injection?; Singleton Prototype; XML based configuration; Annotation based configuration
· Spring MVC: MVC pattern; Spring Controller; App back-end structure; REST basics; Arguments and return type mapping; File upload using Spring MVC
· Spring security: Introduction; Simple examples; Spring Security Custom Login Form XML/Annotation; Examples; Spring Security password hashing example; Overriding the default configure(HttpSecurity) method
· Spring Boot: Create stand-alone Spring applications; Embed Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly (no need to deploy WAR files); Provide opinionated ‘starter’ POMs to simplify your Maven configuration; Automatically configure Spring whenever possible; Provide production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and externalized configuration; Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML configuration] · Spring + MVC: microservice architecture bei Open API

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Panašios programos

JAVA kursas

Java – programavimo kalba, kurios aktualumas bei specialistų poreikis auga jau nuo 1995 metų, kartais ji net vadinama programavimo kalbų karaliene. Šios programavimo kalbos populiarumo priežastis slypi labai plačiame pritaikomume

Front-End kursas

Front-end programuotojas sukuria tai, su kuo paprastai susiduria vartotojai. Front-end programavimo dėka vartotojai savo ekranuose gali matyti svetainės struktūrą bei vizualus, kuriems sukurti prireikia ne tik techninių, bet ir kūrybinių įgūdžių.

Python kursas

Python programavimo kalba naudojama tokių didžiųjų organizacijų kaip „Google“, „Facebook“ „Uber“, „Instagram“ ir „Netflix“. Ši kalba yra puikus įrankis kurti internetinius puslapius, analizuoti duomenis, įtraukiant mašininį mokslą (angl. machine learning) ir duomenų vizualizaciją.

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